Send a Child to the Theatre

Your support means the world to local students.

Established in 1997 as a nonprofit educational organization, Valley Performing Arts Council (VPAC) provides Central San Joaquin Valley grade school students with the opportunity to experience the classical performing arts, and to appreciate the beauty, wisdom and truth the classical arts impart to society.

Over the years, we have invited over 125,000 less fortunate students and their families to experience live ballet. Your support is essential to our ongoing mission!

Your generous donation can:

  • Introduce a child to the ballet!
  • Send a class to the theater!
  • Instill classical values like compassion, integrity and respect!
  • Enrich the lives of children throughout the Valley!

Help send children to the theater

$25, $50, $100, $500, $1000, or other.

Make payable to VPAC
2109 W. Bullard Ave. Suite 149
Fresno, CA 93711

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